I am creating a few pieces of wearable art as a part of DIY Paint Challenge put out by Dionne Woods The Turquoise Iris https://www.theturquoiseiris.com/. I like a good challenge. I have got one piece completed so far. I found a hat a a thrift store that I wanted to paint. DIY Paint is pretty versatile and can paint a lot of things. https://diypaint.co/ I put 2 coats of an off white color that I had. It helped to water down the paint a little. I then took some Layered Chocolate and outlined the sunflowers. After that I added in all the colors. When everything dried I gave it a coat of clear wax to give it some protection and brighten up the colors. I posted a video on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeNaDsI_6ss&t=36s. I will be be back later with the pair of boots I plan to paint. Until then wear what you want and stay Funky!