I am still working through a large stash of men’s neckties that I was given by a fellow crafter. She used to weave chair bottoms with the ties. I have recently rejoined The Turquoise Iris’s Creative Connection https://www.theturquoiseiris.com/ and made this piece for the month of April’s Challenge. The Challenge was to use fabric in your project.
I started with a large canvas that I found on the side of the road.

I have had it for sometime and it needed some cleaning. After it was cleaned I added a base coat of a cheap white chalk paint. When that was dry I added several coats of different blue DIY paint. I have a metal hanging dress form and I used it to make a pattern. I put that pattern on a piece of poster paper and cut it out. I then placed it where I wanted it and traced it with a piece of chalk. I painted the dress form on the canvas with a different color of DIY paint https://diypaint.co/.

When all that was done it was time to start cutting up ties. I used 31 ties. I cut the larger end off at about 7 inches and the shorter end about 3 inches. I also cut off the tags. I think the tags are cool in their self.

After everything was cut out I started placing things where I wanted them. The larger pieces made up the bottom of the dress. The smaller pieces went around the top. I added the tags to the neck line. One of the tie name was Impact! What a great name for the piece! I also added a long strait piece of tie for a belt and a flower made out of old ties. I will show you later how to make the tie. When I had stuff laid out I began gluing it all down with hot glue. After all that you have a finished piece. You can watch it all here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW7cHqwNXoQ&t=46s.
Thank you and Have Fun and Stay Funky!