I am not sure why I was feeling the urge to take a road trip. Maybe wanting to experience something new and just get away. Dionne Woods the Turquoise Iris announced she was having a paint party to celebrate the printing of her magazine The Turquoise Iris Journal. You can check it out here https://www.theturquoiseirisjournal.com/. We were going to paint a mural that is going to be donated to a local school. I had been wanting to paint a mural on one of my buildings and I also have a large old bed slat to paint. Good chance to see how it is done. The drive for me is about 1100 miles and I broke it up into two days. The first day I got across the Tennessee Arkansas line and spent the night. I had stopped several time at rest stops and of course Bucee’s.

The next day I stopped at the Goodwill Outlet in Little Rock Arkansas. This is the biggest Goodwill Outlet I have ever seen.

I made it to my hotel in Norman Oklahoma about 4:30pm in plenty of time to go to dinner with the group from the paint party.

The next day I had time before the paint party to visit the Goodwill Outlet in Oklahoma City and my first Del Taco. After Del Taco I headed to Dionne’s house. I was the first to arrive. I got to see her studio and lots of the work she has done. I also got to see the large canvas we were going to paint.

The canvas was painted with a base coat of bright pink.

When the others got there Melanie quickly sketched out the design. I can’t believe how fast she did it.

When she was done we all started painting. I was so cool watching the canvas come to life. We all felt very connected and it was very inspiring.

I would do it again and may get the chance one day.

Life is short so take the road trip. Stop and take the time to see what is out there. Until next time. Stay Funky and have Fun!